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Guide to Chalazion: Symptoms, Treatment, & More

11 sources cited

Last Updated

A chalazion is a bump on the eyelid, caused by a blocked oil gland. Chalazions do not typically cause pain, but they can make the eyes feel dry and itchy. In severe cases, a chalazion can cause blurry vision.

A chalazion is a small, often painless, bump that appears on the eyelid due to a blocked oil gland. Although not typically harmful, it can cause discomfort or aesthetic concerns.

Chalazions are most common in people ages 30 to 50, but anyone can develop these bumps. People with blepharitis, which can also cause eyelid swelling, are at increased risk of developing a chalazion.

Chalazion Causes: Why Does It Form?

The primary reason is the clogging of the oil glands on the eyelids. Factors contributing to this include:

  • Rosacea: A skin condition causing redness and pimples.
  • Blepharitis: Inflammation of the eyelid edge.
  • Seborrheic dermatitis: A skin disorder causing scaly patches and red skin.
  • Infections like Tuberculosis.

Symptoms of a Chalazion: What to Look For?

While often painless, a chalazion may cause:

  • A noticeable lump or swelling on the eyelid.
  • Redness or inflammation.
  • Itching or dryness.
  • Sensation of a foreign body in the eye.
  • In larger cases, blurred vision.

Chalazion Diagnosis: How is it Identified?

It’s essential not to self-diagnose. While a chalazion can resemble other conditions, such as styes or even some forms of skin cancer, an ophthalmologist or dermatologist can provide an accurate diagnosis through a physical examination and potentially some tests.

doctors appointment
Any bumps you find on your eyelids should be brought to the attention of your doctor right away. Your doctor can determine what is causing the bump, and they can help you determine the best way to make that lump fade away.

Chalazion Treatment: How to Manage and Resolve It?

Most chalazions resolve on their own or with home treatments. Here’s what can be done:

  • Home Care: Apply warm compresses and massage gently. Avoid squeezing.
  • Medical Intervention: Persistent chalazions might require:
    • Minor Surgery: A procedure to drain the trapped oil.
    • Steroid Injections: To reduce inflammation and help with drainage.

Preventing Chalazions: Keeping Your Eyelids Clear

To minimize the chances of developing a chalazion:

  • Maintain good eyelid hygiene by cleaning regularly.
  • Treat and manage skin conditions such as rosacea.
  • Avoid touching or rubbing your eyes excessively.
  • If prone to chalazions, consider using doctor-recommended eyelid scrubs or cleansers.

In essence, while a chalazion is typically benign, understanding its causes, symptoms, and treatments can lead to quicker resolution and fewer complications. Always consult with a healthcare professional for tailored advice.

Frequently Asked Questions

What causes a chalazion?

A chalazion is caused by the blockage of a small oil gland in the eyelid. This leads to the accumulation of oil within the gland, resulting in a bump or lump.

Is a chalazion painful?

Typically, a chalazion is not painful. However, it can cause discomfort, particularly if it grows large enough to press against the eye.

Can a chalazion cause vision problems?

In some cases, if a chalazion grows very large, it can press on the eye and cause blurry vision.

How is a chalazion diagnosed?

A healthcare professional can typically diagnose a chalazion through a physical examination of the eyelid. It’s important to seek a professional diagnosis as other conditions can resemble a chalazion.

What is the treatment for a chalazion?

Treatment for a chalazion often starts with conservative methods, such as applying warm compresses to the eyelid and gentle massage to encourage the oil to drain. If these methods do not work, further treatments such as steroid injections or minor surgical procedures may be considered.

Can I prevent a chalazion?

Maintaining good eyelid hygiene can help prevent chalazions. This may include washing your face and eyes daily, removing all eye makeup before bed, and not touching or rubbing your eyes.

Can a chalazion come back after treatment?

Yes, it’s possible for a chalazion to recur, particularly in individuals who have had one before. Regular eyelid hygiene can help reduce the risk of recurrence.

Does a chalazion go away on its own?

A chalazion can often resolve on its own without treatment. This can take several weeks or even months. However, if it persists or causes discomfort, it is recommended to seek medical advice.

When should I see a doctor about a chalazion?

If you notice a lump on your eyelid, you should see a healthcare professional to confirm the diagnosis. Additionally, if the lump grows rapidly, causes pain or vision changes, or doesn’t improve with conservative treatments, seek medical advice.


  1. The Form and Function of Meibomian Glands. (May 2016). Review of Ophthalmology.
  2. What Are Chalazia and Styes? (September 2017). American Academy of Ophthalmology.
  3. Stye/Chalazion. American Society of Ophthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery.
  4. Chalazion. American Optometric Association.
  5. Chalazion. American Association for Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus.
  6. Focus on Eyelid Skin Cancers: Early Detection and Treatment. (September 2018). Skin Cancer Foundation.
  7. Chalazion. (August 2010). The BMJ.
  8. Conservative Therapy for Chalazia: Is It Really Effective? (January 2018). Acta Ophthalmologica.
  9. Incision and Curettage Versus Steroid Injection for the Treatment of Chalazia: A Meta-Analysis. (May 2016). Ophthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery.
  10. A Simple Anesthetic Technique to Eliminate Pain and Optimize Patient Satisfaction for Chalazion Incision and Curettage. (December2017). Advances in Ophthalmology and Visual System.
  11. Effectiveness of Intralesional Triamcinolone Acetonide in the Treatment of Chalazion. (March 2015). Pakistan Journal of Ophthalmology.

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