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How much does laser vision correction surgery cost?

The cost of the laser vision correction procedure is determined by a number of factors. You will receive a detailed, no-obligation estimate at your NVISION® consultation. We have multiple financing options to meet your budget.

What happens to my deposit if I decide against surgery?

Your deposit is refundable if we determine you are not a candidate for surgery or if we determine you are a better candidate for another procedure, in that case, your deposit will be applied to that procedure.

Is my surgery tax deductible?

While LASIK can be deemed elective and not covered by insurance, it may be tax deductible depending on your filing status. Please consult your accountant for more information on this matter. Many patients choose to use their tax refunds to pay for LASIK, an investment that can last a lifetime.

Can I pay with a credit card?

Many patients opt to pay for their procedure using a credit card. This may be a good option, especially if you have a card that carries a low interest rate, offers, points, or other rewards.

LASIK Procedure

What are the advantages of LASIK over other laser vision correction procedures?

Compared to PRK or LASEK, LASIK healing times are significantly shorter, with most LASIK patients returning to work and normal life as early as the next day. It is very common to treat both eyes on the same day.

What conditions does Custom LASIK – and CONTOURA LASIK treat?

Custom LASIK surgery can correct almost any refractive errors, so you’re likely a candidate. Refractive errors include nearsightedness (myopia), farsightedness (hyperopia), and astigmatism (football shaped cornea).

Do most people have perfect 20/20 vision after laser vision correction?

More than 98% of our patients who have LASIK at NVISION will get 20/20 vision with both eyes open. If you choose CONTOURA, you will have a 68% chance of seeing better than 20/20 (which is considered perfect vision). Patients can anticipate their results to be comparable to their best corrected vision while wearing glasses or contacts, and frequently, it is even better, especially if you choose CONTOURA.

What is the difference between Custom LASIK at NVISION® and standard LASIK surgery advertised so inexpensively?

The most important aspect to understand is that LASIK can be performed with various techniques and technologies. At NVISION®, the preferred technique by our surgeons is done through all-laser technology. The corneal flap is created by a state-of-the-art Femtosecond laser. This laser is proven to be significantly safer than the mechanical blade approach that is utilized by other clinics advertising LASIK at a lesser cost. In combination with the Femtosecond laser, NVISION® utilizes highly advanced Excimer lasers. These lasers emit laser patterns that provide an incredible quality of vision during the day and night. NVISION® surgeons are the leaders in both wavefront-guided and topography-guided (CONTOURA) treatments in order to increase the chances of patients achieving the highest chance of 20/20 or better vision, and the best quality of vision possible.

Is laser vision correction right for me?

The best way to determine if you are a good candidate for laser vision correction is to start with an eye exam by your optometrist or ophthalmologist. Your doctor will conduct a thorough examination on your eyes in order to determine if you are a suitable candidate. If your doctor is unfamiliar with laser vision correction, NVISION® is happy to provide you with a complimentary consultation. At NVISION®, our doctors consider each patient’s unique needs during the consultation and when making their recommendations. .

How soon after Custom LASIK can I resume my normal activities?

Because every patient and procedure is different, it is important to follow the specific guidelines that your surgeon provides. After Custom LASIK, most patients can anticipate the following timeline: After 24 hours, patients can return to work and normal daily activities. The day after the procedure, your eye doctor will perform an exam and determine if you can resume driving. By the end of the first week, patients may return to exercise and wear eye makeup. For contact sports, patients should wait at least three months.

Cataract Surgery

Is surgery the only option for cataract removal?

A cataract affects a patient’s quality of life by reducing their vision. Patients with cataracts will complain of reduced ability to see especially at night, also, difficulty reading, glare and halos at night, difficulty driving, and loss of clarity of images.These symptoms will worsen over time and, if left untreated, could lead to loss of vision. Cataract surgery is the only option to remove the cataract and correct a patient’s vision. There are different techniques in how a surgeon can remove a cataract. Your NVISION® surgeon will explain the options available to you and recommend what is best for you and your needs. .

What is an intraocular lens?

A cataract is when your natural lens becomes cloudy. When cataract surgery is performed, your cloudy lens is removed and replaced by a clear lens, an intraocular lens (IOL). The IOL restores the ability to see. Different types of IOLs are available. You will have the option of choosing the lens that best fits your lifestyle, including IOLs that will allow you to function free from glasses and contacts. The lens is permanent, needs no maintenance, and can remain in the eye for your entire life.

Is there a solution for people who need glasses and have cataracts?

Patients who need glasses and have cataracts, have the option of improving their vision and reducing or eliminating the need for glasses and contacts by choosing an IOL that is best suited for their lifestyle.

Refractive errors such as myopia (nearsightedness), hyperopia (farsightedness), presbyopia (the inability to focus close-up), and/or astigmatism (football shaped cornea) are all treatable with intraocular lenses.

In order to fine-tune results post cataract surgery, PRK or LASIK can also be performed.

What is presbyopia?

Presbyopia is an age-related condition that results in the loss of flexibility in the eye’s lens. This decreased flexibility makes it difficult to read near objects like books and newspapers. Over time, it becomes impossible to see well at near without the use of reading glasses or bifocals/progressive lenses. Selecting a lifestyle lens solution for your cataract surgery could alleviate presbyopic symptoms.

Photorefractive Keratectomy (PRK)

Is PRK right for me?

Your surgeon is best in determining if you PRK is the safest procedure for you. Typically, PRK is recommended for people with thin corneas or who are involved in contact sports. The visual results of PRK are comparable to LASIK and SMILE. For most patients, the SMILE procedure is even better than PRK since the recovery of vision is faster.

What is PRK?

PRK (“photo-refractive keratectomy”) was the first vision correction procedure performed using an excimer laser. The procedure involves reshaping the surface of the cornea without creating a flap, as in the Lasik procedure. The same excimer laser is used for PRK and LASIK. People who have PRK should expect slower vision recovery, taking a minimum of one week and sometimes longer. The vision outcomes are the same with PRK and LASIK. You can have CONTOURA with PRK, just as in LASIK.

What conditions does PRK treat?

Just as with LASIK, PRK is a procedure to help people with nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism. Every patient is different, and your NVISION® surgeon will select the best procedure for your needs.

SMILE Eye Surgery

Is SMILE right for me?

SMILE is an excellent procedure for the correction of nearsightedness and astigmatism. SMILE is a ‘dry eye friendly’ procedure. People with dry eyes and contact lens intolerance are best suited for the SMILE procedure. Similar to LASIK and PRK, your NVISION® surgeon will determine which laser vision correction is right for your individual needs based on your exam and vision goals.

What are the advantages of SMILE?

SMILE causes less disruption of the corneal nerves than other laser vision procedures. As a result, if you have dry eyes, SMILE is the best procedure for you.

Monovision LASIK

Will the treatment for presbyopia affect my distance vision?

The majority of patients who are treated for presbyopia with Monovision or blended vision LASIK, find that their distance vision remains unaffected, or is minimally affected, and typically only for night driving.

Is monovision right for me?

If you’ve been diagnosed with presbyopia, monovision, or blended vision LASIK is an excellent option for you. Most people who try monovision adapt to it well. However, for active people such as golfers or tennis players, or if you frequently drive at night, monovision may not be suitable. Your NVISION® surgeon will work with you to determine which solution is best for your needs based on your eye exam and visual goals.

Does the treatment for presbyopia have a similar effect as monovision contacts?

Laser vision correction for presbyopia is similar to using monovision contacts, that is when contacts are fit with one eye for far vision and one eye for near vision. Blended vision is when Lasik, PRK or SMILE are used, however, unlike monovision, the difference between the correction of both eyes is not as significant as with monovision. People tolerate blended vision better than monovision.

Lifestyle Lenses

What is the difference between a basic lens and lifestyle lens?

After your cloudy lens (cataract) is removed, a clear intraocular lens (IOL) is used to replace it. If you choose a basic lens, you will need glasses for far (driving), near (reading) and mid (computer) vision. If an individual would like to reduce his or her dependence on glasses, a lifestyle lens would be an excellent choice to minimize or eliminate the need for glasses or contacts for all your vision needs.

What is an intraocular lens?

A cataract is when your lens becomes cloudy. The only option you have to get good vision is to have cataract surgery to replace your cloudy lens with a clear one. The new lens is an intraocular lens (IOL). Intraocular lenses are artificial lenses that are implanted to replace your natural lens when it is removed during surgery. The lens is permanent, needs no maintenance, and can remain in your eye for your entire life.

The best IOL for you depends on your lifestyle and your visual needs. Ask your eye surgeon about lifestyle lenses that are used to get a lifestyle free from the dependence on glasses or contacts.

Implantable Collamer Lens (ICL)

Are EVO ICLs right for me?

If you have extreme nearsightedness or nearsightedness and astigmatism, the EVO ICL is the ideal procedure for you. The EVO ICL is a permanent solution for your vision needs, it has the advantage of being removable, it is additive, so no tissue is removed from the eye, you will have excellent quality of vision day and night.

How soon can I see results?

Visual recovery with implantable contact lenses is rapid. You can anticipate noticeable improvement in vision typically within hours after surgery. Most are able to drive to their one day postoperative visit free from the need for glasses and contacts.

How do EVO ICLs work?

Unlike wearing contacts on the outside of the eye, the EVO ICL is implanted in the eye behind the pupil. You do not feel it, touch it or see it. You do not need to do anything to maintain it. It is a permanent correction of your vision.

Refractive Lens Exchange (RLE) or Dysfunctional Lens Exchange

What conditions does dysfunctional lens exchange treat?

If you have nearsightedness, farsightedness, or astigmatism, even extreme prescriptions, and are over the age of 40, and need reading glasses or bifocals/progressives (presbyopia), RLE could be your best option to reduce or eliminate the need for glasses and contacts for far and near vision.

When should I consider refractive lens exchange?

You should consider RLE:

  • If you are dependent on reading glasses or bifocals for your near tasks
  • If you have a high level of farsightedness
  • If you have been diagnosed with an early cataract and feel that the quality of your vision has decreased, especially when driving at night.

How soon will I be able to resume normal activities?

Although you will need a ride home from the procedure, you will be able to resume most normal activities, including driving within a few days.

What does the lens feel like when it’s implanted?

Patients are unable to feel the IOL. Intraocular lens implants have been used in cataract surgery for more than 50 years.

Collagen Cross-Linking (CXL)

How does cross-linking work?

Kerataconus is a progressive disease of the cornea leading to increasing myopia (nearsightedness) and astigmatism (a football shaped cornea), corneal thinning and bulging of the cornea. Most patients with keratoconus need specialty contact lenses to see well.

Corneal cross-linking (CXL) can halt the progression of kerataconus, improve the shape of the cornea and stiffen the cornea that has been weakened by kerataconus. CXL is a minimally invasive outpatient procedure that combines the use of Vitamin B2 eye drops and ultra-violet (UV) light.

Normal corneas have strong cross-links between their collagen fibers that allow them to maintain a normal shape. If you have kerataconus, your cornea has too few cross-links or support beams. The cross-linking procedure simply adds cross-links or “cross-beams” to your cornea. This makes it more stable and potentially improves focusing power. These new cross-links also help strengthen your cornea, which stops the thinning process and limits further vision loss.

Everyone should have CXL once they are diagnosed with Keratoconus since the CXL procedure can not reverse any loss of vision as a result of Keratoconus progression.

Is cross-linking right for me?

Early treatment for keratoconus is necessary to prevent progression. While the patients that benefit the most from crosslinking are in their teens or twenties, any patient that demonstrates active disease with progressive thinning can benefit. CXL is a treatment to consider if you are in one of the following categories:

  • You have been newly diagnosed with keratoconus. The earlier you have the treatment, the earlier you have the potential of stopping your disease from progressing.
  • You have been living with keratoconus—even if you are getting good vision with contacts. Your disease may very well be progressing despite good vision or comfortable contact lens wear. Any progression is irreversible, and CXL is the only procedure that can stop the progression of the disease.

INTACS® For Keratoconus


NVISION® is one of the leaders in keratoconus care and surgery. Most importantly, our surgeons are keratoconus surgery pioneers. We will thoroughly analyze your unique condition to develop a personalized treatment approach.

How do INTACS® work?

INTACS® corneal inserts are used to change the shape of the cornea making it more symmetrical which typically results in better quality of vision with correction. INTACS are used when contacts and glasses are no longer achieving acceptable vision.

INTACS® work by flattening the steep part of your cornea to bring it closer to its original dome shape. This change in shape helps reduce your vision distortions. Combined with corneal collagen cross-linking, which strengthens your cornea, CXL helps prevent disease progression, INTACS® can help normalize the shape of the cornea.


What conditions does oculoplasty treat?

Some medical conditions commonly treated with oculoplasty include:

  • Skin cancers or other growths in or around your eyes
  • Eye problems caused by thyroid disease
  • Weakness around your eyes or eyelids caused by Bell’s Palsy
  • Eyelids that turn inward (entropion) or outward (ectropion)
  • Droopy upper eyelids (ptosis)
  • Excess skin and aging changes around the eyes

Oculoplasty can also be used to treat injuries to your eye or eye area as well as eye-related birth defects.

What are oculoplasty’s cosmetic applications?

In addition to medical conditions, oculoplasty is also commonly used for cosmetic purposes, like repairing sagging or drooping eyelids (eyelid lifts) and improving the appearance of wrinkles in the forehead and between the eyes (forehead lifts).


Why NVISION® instead of a traditional plastic surgeon?

Ophthalmologists understand eyes better than general plastic surgeons, and have more respect and understanding of the importance of the function of the eyelids

How does age affect the appearance of my eyes?

As we mature, the delicate skin around the eyes can appear puffy, saggy, or droopy. Our eyelid skin stretches and the muscles around the eyes weaken. Not only will this natural aging process affect how your eyes look, it can also affect your general vision, making it harder to do the things you love.

How is laser surgery different than other surgical procedures?

Most surgery centers utilize the scalpel method, leading to more bruising and swelling. We utilize the CO2 laser; an advantage because:

  • The laser provides unparalleled precision
  • The laser cauterizes blood vessels along the way, giving the surgeon improved visibility into the aesthetics of the procedure
  • Significantly less bruising because the blood vessels are more effectively cauterized and healing begins immediately

Cosmetic Treatments

Am I a good candidate for BOTOX®?

If you’re over the age of 18 and have wrinkles located around or between the eyes, on your forehead, or on your neck, then BOTOX® might be the right solution for you.

What else can BOTOX® treat?

In addition to cosmetic applications, BOTOX® can relieve the symptoms of cervical dystonia in adults, strabismus (an eye muscle problem that causes the eyes to turn inward or outward), migraines and blepharospasm (uncontrollable tightening of the eyelid muscles that may cause blinking, squinting, and abnormal eyelid movements). It can also control upper limb spasticity (increased muscle stiffness) in the elbow, wrist, and fingers of adults.

How long will the effects of BOTOX® last?

Regular treatment is needed to maintain the effects. You can receive injections every 3 to 4 months, as long as you do not have any serious allergic reactions or other significant side effects. If you are using BOTOX® to treat other conditions such as blepharospasm or strabismus, you may receive additional injections, depending on your condition and on how long the effects of the treatment last.

Am I a good candidate for LATISSE®

LATISSE® is not approved for people under the age of 18. Also, it is not recommended for women during pregnancy or women who are breastfeeding.

You are not a good candidate:

  • If you are currently taking a prostaglandin analog, concurrent use of LATISSE® may interfere with the desired IOP-reducing effect.
  • If you have intraocular inflammation (uveitis)
  • If you have risk factors for macular edema

Always consult your ophthalmologist before using LATISSE®.

How do I use LATISSE®?

When using LATISSE®:

  • Remember that it is a prescription drug, and not to be used by anyone other than the person it is prescribed to
  • Always carefully follow the package insert instructions
  • Never reuse the single-use applicator or contaminate the bottle by allowing the tip to come into contact with any other surface
  • Always take your contacts out before application, and reinsert 15 minutes after

How long will the effects of LATISSE® last?

Once you discontinue the use of LATISSE®, lash length, thickening, and darkening will revert back to pre-medication appearance.

Dry Eye Treatments

Who is at risk for dry eye?

People who suffer from dry eye often include those who:

  • Wear contact lenses, especially for prolonged periods of time
  • Are taking medications such as antihistamines or birth control pills
  • Are over 50, especially women going through menopause
  • Have specific diseases such as Sjogren’s Syndrome, rheumatoid arthritis and collagen vascular disease
  • Have eyelids that do not close properly due to structural abnormalities
  • Live in dry climates

Pterygium Surgery

Does pterygium require surgery?

A Pterygium is a growth of the transparent layer of the eye (conjunctiva) that covers the white part of the eye (sclera) over the clear cornea that covers the colored part of the eye (Iris). An early pterygium can usually be treated with steroid drops, artificial tears, or a prescribed ointment. Once the pterygium growth threatens or interferes with your vision, the pterygium must be surgically removed. It should also be removed if it causes irritation and chronic redness of the eye, especially in windy conditions or with the wear of contact lenses.

Is pterygium surgery permanent?

Unfortunately, the recurrence of pterygium is a possibility, but the technique used by NVISION® surgeons reduces that risk significantly. The risk can also be greatly diminished by protecting your eyes from the sun. Eye protection from dust and wind is also strongly recommended to avoid future irritation and recurrence.

Glaucoma Surgery

What is glaucoma?

Glaucoma is a serious eye disease that can lead to permanent damage to your optic nerve and result in permanent blindness. Glaucoma often starts with unnoticeable blind spots in the visual periphery, then when advanced can lead to tunnel vision, and finally blindness. There is a known relationship between diabetes, nearsightedness and open-angle glaucoma (the most common type of glaucoma). Early detection of glaucoma is vital, therefore you should have annual eye exams. Minimally Invasive Glaucoma Surgery (MIGS) is an excellent option instead of taking more than one eye drop to control your eye pressure. MIGS can replace the need for any eye drops to control your intraocular pressure.